The lemon cleanse and maple syrup diet also otherwise known as the Master Cleanse diet, was conceived by Stanley Burroughs. Later on, the health loss program was also incorporated in Peter Glickman’s book, ‘Lose Weight, Have More Energy and Be Happier in 10 Days”. The lemon cleanse diet is not merely a diet plan but a comprehensive detoxification program that helps to flush unwanted toxins from the body.
The lemon cleanse diet merely entails, drinking 6-12 glasses of a concoction made with freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon, 2 tbsp of grade B, organic maple syrup, a pinch of cayenne pepper diluted in 8 oz. of water. This should be taken for a minimum of 10 days. However during this period, refrain from consuming any solid foods. It is very important to drink the herbal laxative tea, the Senna leaf tea before bedtime and use saline water flush, after you wake up in the morning. Mix 2 teaspoons of uniodized sea salt in a glass of lukewarm water to make this.
There are certain protocols that you need to strictly follow in order to come off the lemon cleanse. Contrary to common misconception, the Master Cleanse is not a starvation diet or fast of any kind. Many celebrities, including Beyonce Knowles have used the lemon cleanse diet successfully to lose weight and get in shape. The diva claims to have shed 15-20 pounds in a very short span of time. Besides this, the diet also has various other health benefits.
The Cleanse also helps you to cope with cravings and addictions as well as eliminate unwanted parasites and chemicals from the body. Cleansing is necessary because with time you accumulate undesirable substances in the body. This can cause several health disorders like fatigue, reduce immunity, headaches, allergies and other ailments. The Master Cleanse is a very gentle yet effective dietary cleanse that not only helps you to lose weight but also improves overall health.
It is recommended to use fresh, organic lemons to make the juice. Lemons are deemed to be one of the best food items and are full of essential vitamins and minerals. Drinking the potion made with lemons, maple syrup and cayenne will help to restore the alkaline levels of the body naturally. The reason for using maple syrup is that it is one of the few forms of unprocessed sugar; which is actually good for the body. Also, it contains vital minerals and micronutrients that provide energy during the Master cleanse.
While maple syrup provides the body with the necessary calories, other ingredients aid in getting the body rid of harmful toxins. Although many people have used the Master cleanse for a span of 30-40 days, it should not be used for more than that. To be on the safer side, make sure that you follow the instructions completely. Thus, read the book thoroughly and consult a health expert before you commence the lemon cleanse.
The Master Cleanse is in no way a weight loss fad diet but actually a very effective way to lose weight without any adverse affects. However, once you are off the diet, remember to eat healthy and exercise regularly.
by Mike Lombardy