4 Fat Burner Drinks And Foods To Add To Your Weight Loss Diet

If you want to lose weight fast, you should drink fat burner drinks and eat fat burner foods. Basically, not all foods are equal in their capabilities when it comes to your weight loss agenda. There are fat burner drinks and foods that help you burn more calories, while other weight loss foods suppress your appetite. What really matters in this endeavor is that your fat burner drinks and foods should contain fiber and protein. Many substances that are naturally found in different kinds of foods can rev up your metabolism and weight loss. Here is a list of fat burner drinks and foods that you should include in your weight loss diet:

1. Nuts. 
Although these foods are high in fat, they do a good job in promoting your weight loss. It's because nuts are also high in protein, healthy fats and fiber but low in carbohydrate content. It's pretty hard for your body to absorb the calories found in nuts because of their composition. When you eat nuts, you'll easily feel full as well. Studies have shown that people who eat more nuts weight less than people who do otherwise. It reduces the size of your waistline, too. Other researches show that a diet that's low in calories becomes more effective when added with almonds. It caused loss of weight by 62% more.

2. Boiled potatoes. 
Whether potatoes help you lose or gain weight depend on the way you prepare them. For instance, plain whole potatoes can boost your weight reduction while French fries do the opposite. In a study about foods' satiety index wherein the satiating ability of foods have been measured, boiled white potatoes was on top of the list among all the foods that have been tested in the experiment. Thus, in your weight loss program, you should eat more potatoes and eat less of other foods. Potatoes contain fiber-like compounds called resistant starch, a substance that hastens weight loss. You increase the amount of this substance in potatoes if boil them and then cool them down before eating.

3. Coffee. 
Contrary to what other people think that coffee is a devil's drink, it is actually a healthy beverage for weight reduction. Other than that, it also contains a hefty amount of bioactive compounds and antioxidants. Caffeine found in coffee can step up the fat-burning process in your body and at the same time is useful in weight management. You'll increase your fat-burning capacity by 10-29% if you drink more coffee. It'll also boost your metabolism by 3-11% faster. A study that has been conducted showed that drinking 4- 6 cups of coffee everyday burns 79-150 calories more per day. It contains a total amount of 600 milligrams of caffeine.

4. Apple cider vinegar.  
There are numerous benefits of apple cider vinegar which is a popular substance in the area of natural health. Taking apple cider vinegar after eating a high-carbohydrate meal reduces your blood sugar response. Foods that you eat will have the least effects on your weight. Studies have shown that apple cider vinegar reduces the appetite. Take it with a high-carb meal and you'll feel so full that you'll eat 200- 275 lesser until the end of the day.

Make the right choices of your food for your weight loss program. These fat burner drinks and foods when complemented to your diet makes you reduce your weight faster.

Learn about scientifically-proven and up-to-date methods of burning fat and losing weight. Download Xtreme Fat Loss Diet to guide you in reducing your weight at the least possible time. Be guided in your weight loss program about foods that really make a difference in your body and health.

By Walter H Menuet