5 Tips How to Lose 40 Pounds in 2 Months

Do you want to lose 40 pounds in 2 months? If you want to lose 40 pounds, it’s important to increase your metabolism, as well as move your body plenty. In this article you can find 5 tips to help you lose 40 pounds in 2 months successfully.

1. Eat Often Instead of Less.

It’s better to eat more often instead of less if you want to burn fat successfully. Eating smaller meals more often helps you increase your metabolism, which helps you lose weight. When you skip meals or starve yourself, your metabolism will instead slow down and burn less fat. So try to eat smaller meals more often during the day instead of less, for example 5 – 6 smaller meals instead of 2 or 3 large meals.

2. Never Skip Breakfast.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Research has shown that people who eat breakfast every day are thinner then those who skip breakfast. Eating breakfast will also help you increase your metabolism as well. When you skip breakfast, the risk is also that you will overeat at the next meal. Oatmeal, together with some fresh fruit, and high fiber bread is a great choice as a healthy breakfast.

3. Create a Food Journal.

A food journal can be a great help for you on the way to lose unwanted fat. A food journal should consist of the food you are about to eat during the coming week or month. By writing down your food choices in advance on a piece of paper or similar, the chances are also higher that you will stick to healthier food choices, and not risk to eat junk food or other unhealthy types of food.

4. Avoid Unhealthy Types of Snacking.

Unhealthy types of snacking can be a big enemy towards a fat belly. So try to replace (or at least have them in moderation) unhealthy types of snacks such as cookies, ice cream, chocolate, chips with healthier choices such as different types of fruits & vegetables.

5. Add Some Exercising.

Exercising helps you burn fat & calories successfully. Try to add some weekly exercising to your schedule. There are several types of exercises that can help you burn fat successfully. For example walking, jogging, running, home exercises, swimming, team sports and even yard work can help you move your body and burn calories successfully. This will also help you increase your chances to lose 40 pounds in 2 months successfully.

by Sarah J