There is no single rule or food that will guarantee to help you lose weight. This is because in reality results vary from one person to another. There are various factors that work along with the combination of foods. But before learning about all this you should know the fact that the fat in your body is the result of accumulation of energy from the food you eat. However there are some special foods that help you lose weight because they result in negative calories. You can also replace high calories food with lower one to get good results. Some of the food items are listed here that will help lose weight.
Complex carbohydrates
1. Unprocessed food and whole grain like wheat, barley, oat bran and many others.
2. Oatmeal
3. Some fruits and vegetables like papaya, watermelon, guava and many such fibrous fruits.
4. Brown rice
High protein food
1. Any raw nuts
2. High protein foods for vegetarians like soya
3. Protein shakes
4. White meat or poultry
5. Most of the fish
6. Lean cuts of meat
Low fat dairy products
1. Low fat cheese
2. Low fat yogurt
3. Low fat cottage cheese
1. Cinnamon
2. Bay leaves
3. Hot pepper
4. Hot mustard
5. Cayenne peppers
Apart from all these food items, there are some good fats that actually help you lose weight and burn fat in your body, such as Omega 3, olive oil, peanut oil, sesame oil and canola oil. If you increase the intake of high protein and complex carbohydrates, you will definitely see positive results. Another fact is to pay attention on what and how much you eat. Try to reduce fat from all your dishes and increase fiber in your dish. This will help you fill your stomach and at the same time lose weight too.
Besides reducing fat content in your food items, you can also consume foods that are high in water content. It is also believed that increasing water intake also helps reduce weight. The most dangerous element is sugar, which adds only empty calories and is void of all nutrients.
Best foods for weight loss:
– Natural foods and fresh fruits such as cucumber, tomatoes and many more.
– Highly nutritious food like legumes, sprouted pulses and so on.
– Low calorie foods like brown rice, tofu, lentils, white fish and so on
– Food low in fat like fat free milk, low fat yogurt and many such food items.
– Food items low in refined sugar including unsweetened blueberries.
– High fiber food like green leafy vegetables, cabbage and likewise.
– Food low in sodium including unsalted popcorn and unsalted nuts.
Although these food items help you lose weight, you can add up salads, oranges, raw tomatoes in your food to give it variety without any harm.To know more about weight loss, click here.
by Seema Mishra