Are you aware of the fact that there are good foods and bad foods? Think of them in terms of your friends or enemies. The good foods are your friends and your enemies are the bad foods. It’s the bad foods that you should avoid as much as possible.
I will tell you about three foods which you should consider as your enemies and the reasons why.
These are generally prepared with the help of several food leftovers. What happens is that these leftovers are then bound together with a large amount of fat. Some sausages contain a wide range of additives. These can include: Rusk, polyphosphates, soya, water, additives, colours, preservatives, sulphites to preserve shelf life and flavour enhancers among other things. Some sausages contain as little as 30% meat!
The other big health implication of sausages is that they contain a high salt content.
Once we purchase our sausages that contain all these additives and little meat we take them home and then what do we do – we fry them! Frying hides the fat content and adds even more calories, right?
As you can see, you will be far kinder to yourself if you stay away from sausages or at least read the label and choose a brand with a high meat content and fewer additives.
Potato Chips/French Fries:
Potato chips or French fries are rich in calories and another food to steer well clear of. They are another food to be concerned about – there is hardly a household these days which doesn’t stock a couple of packets of chips at home.
They may be tasty, but doctors have long warned against eating them too often because they contain a high amount of both sodium and saturated fats.
Research has also suggested that heating certain starchy foods, like potatoes tends to produce a chemical called acrylamide. This is thought to be a cancer causing substance. French fries and potato chips were particularly high in this substance.
Now there may be even more reason to choose a healthier alternative to French fries or potato chips.
Pastry is rich in calorie content and contain high levels of trans-fats. High intake of trans fats has been shown to increase the risk of heart disease by lowering a person’s good cholesterol while increasing levels of bad cholesterol.
Fortunately in some cases it is easy to avoid eating the pastry of certain products. As an example, if you really enjoy Quiche, you can safely eat the eggs, bacon and broccoli filling while leaving the pastry on the plate. Some simple precautions and discretions like this can help you lose weight fast!
When it comes to weight loss and contrary to what people might believe, it is not always the amount of calories, but where they come from, that will determine whether you would gain weight or not. Apples are not low on calories, but no matter how many apples you eat in a day, your waistline won’t get any wider! On the other hand, eat the same amount of pastries and burgers, and see inches and pounds increase!
Healthy eating is the key to success in weight loss!
by Sue Baker