The Benefits Of Gluten Free Diet Weight Loss Programs

In order for you to totally fathom the benefits of gluten free diet weight loss programs, you must to start with, need to comprehend exactly what gluten is as well as the way it disturbs the body. There are approximately three million people in the US alone that are totally intolerant to gluten and they have been diagnosed with Celiac disease. However, there are a higher number of other people with varying degrees of gluten intolerance and a high proportion of these will be unaware of how gluten is upsetting their good health. Once you are able to perceive how going gluten free can lead to a healthier lifestyle, you may then without doubt understand what the benefits of gluten free diet weight loss means to the typical weight watcher.

What Is Gluten?

Gluten (latin word meaning glue) is a protein composite usually found in foods processed from wheat (including kamut and spelt), barley, rye malts and triticale among other carbohydrates. One common mistaken belief about gluten is that it exists in grain. Gluten is usually found in wheat and other members of the grain family, but it is not synonymous with grain. For instance, oats, buck wheat, amaranth, and soybeans are all gluten free foods. Gluten is often used to add texture and a characteristic chewiness to baked goods, giving foods like bread, pizza dough or bagels a substantial, elastic quality, and is the principle reason why individuals with Celiac disease or gluten sensitivity have difficulty digesting it and need to rely on gluten free foods. Gluten is likewise used in a wide variety of other foods as a thickener and binder, flavor enhancer, and protein additive.

What Are The Effects Of Gluten On The Body?

Many Doctors are in agreement that a gluten free diet is not significant for everyone. Only for those people suffering from Celiac disease or a certain level of gluten intolerance. Roughly 1.4 percent of the US population have Celiac disease and for these patients, consuming gluten brings about an immune reaction which causes damage of the small intestine, making it difficult to take in the nutrients the body needs. This can cause malnutrition and can lead to symptoms which include weight loss, diarrhoea, or iron and folic acid deficiency. The only known remedy here is a completely gluten free diet, which then allows the gut to fully recover given time.

Who Can Benefit From Going Gluten Free?

About 12.5 percent of the US population have elevated antibodies in their blood which suggests some amount of immune response to eating gluten, but they don’t display the usual damage to the small intestines that doctors use to diagnose Celiac disease. These gluten sensitives also are required to be wholly gluten free if they want to live a healthy lifestyle. So what about the remainder of the population? Many medical experts are in aggreement that a big percentage of the population experience negative health problems purely because of eating gluten. These issues would often range from digestive problems to fatigue. A recent study demonstrated that by staying gluten-free, even including those not suffering with Celiac disease, will be beneficial to your overall health. This study looked at more than 3,000 subjects and found that those with a gluten sensitivity but were not aware of it suffered less gastrointestinal impacts and typically felt healthier when placed on a gluten-free diet. The benefits of gluten free diet weight loss systems can be enjoyed by almost all of the population. Not just those suffering from Celiac disease.

What Are The Benefits Of Gluten Free Diet Weight Loss Regimens?

The benefits of gluten free diet weight loss plans are many and varied. Apart from the obvious health implications of being on a gluten free diet, the profits for those wishing to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight are there for the taking. If you suffer even the slightest level of gluten intolerance, a gluten free diet may help your body to become less irritated. However, regardless of whether you choose a gluten free diet or are required to stay with it, you must still observe key nutrition principles. We are talking about quality, quantity, nutrient balance, and frequency. Too much food, even gluten-free food, won’t help you to lose weight. Quite the contrary, and not enough other nutrients for instance, fiber, iron and magnesium also won’t help weight loss. Going gluten free does however provide the perfect platform for you to enjoy the benefits of gluten free diet weight loss regimens.

by Trevor Taylor