The 6-Week Body Makeover Weight Loss Program

Yes, six weeks, forty-two days, however you want to look at it. While millions of dollars is spent every year on various diets, juices, and any type of week body makeover that can be found, this article has a small alternative that can help everyone. Sometimes people just need to be told what they have to do and positive results will occur. Below you will find what we did to get a body makeover in six weeks time, give, or take a few days. This is the 6-week body makeover weight loss program.

Find a Reminder

Before you even get started on a six-week body makeover, purchase something that you can wear as a reminder. It may be a ring or one of those rubber bracelets, anything that constantly says, “Oh yea, I need to work on my program today.” Writing notes on mirrors in the bathroom, on the refrigerator, and in the car don’t help as much because when you leave those spots the out of sight out of mind mentality comes into play. Even a constant vibration alarm on your cell phone every hour on the hour will do the trick.

Little Meals with Carbs and Protein

In this fast-paced world, the days of just three meals are long gone. Studies have shown that eater less per encounter, but more overall actually helps you lose weight. So of course, our week body makeover consists of this as well. What’s with the carbs and protein? It helps your hunger throughout the day by making you feel fuller even though you may not be. During the snack parts of the day, bring a couple protein bars to work.

Counting Calories?

The debate as to whether or not counting calories actually works will probably go on forever. In our own scenario, we found that if you cut calories according to how much you weigh then it can be very successful. We understand you may want to use a different number, but let’s say you cut 10 calories for each pound of your total weight. So if you weigh 150, the total reduction would be 1,500. We recommend starting with 5 calories per pound and then moving up to 10 in order to keep the weight off.

The Lunch Walk

Of course, for any workout routine there is a need to exercise. Yes, it makes many people cringe just thinking about it. However, who said you had to exercise like all the infomercials and magazines you see on television? Just spend your lunch hour eating a bag of grapes or one of those protein bars while you walk around your work building. Now, you may be sitting there thinking that you’ll never remember to do it every day, but don’t forget about the reminder in the first tip.

Finding a Partner

This eludes many people due to insecurities about one’s body. Don’t worry, it’s a common problem and we want to explain how you can find a partner with ease. See, that bracelet, pinky ring, or whatever it is you’re using as a reminder will also help you find a partner for your six-week body makeover. People will ask why you wear it and after you tell them, some will want to do it as well. Others will say they need too, but eventually someone will come along and ask to join you. You can never have too much support.

Just a Taste

Now this section isn’t about cheating on your routine, although we do recommend indulging a little and eating a candy bar, piece of pizza, or anything you like every once in awhile. See, this is just a small portion of everything that makes the 6-week body makeover work to perfection; a small incentive for you to continue working towards that goal of a complete body makeover.

Remember though, the main aim of the 6-week body makeover weight loss program is WEIGHT LOSS. So while you may indulge in your favorite food every now and then, remember to have just a taste. Don’t go crazy with it and ruin all that effort you’ve put into the routine.

by Liam Murphy