Read on. Chances are you could change your mind.
You see, diets are fine – as far as they go. The problem is, of course, that no-one can spend the rest of their life on a diet. Sooner or later, you are forced to come off it. And that’s when, for most of us, the weight just seems to pile back on.
Why is this? We were doing so very well and now we are not. What happened?
In order to understand, we have to recognise the basic flaw in our approach to weight management.
We need to realise that diets, though often effective in helping to shed the pounds in the short term, are pretty bad at helping us to keep them off.
The reason for this is simple:
Diets are just another word for denial. ‘Don’t eat this!’ ‘Don’t touch that!’ ‘Don’t have too much!’So you deny yourself and you keep on denying yourself until your weight loss program begins to deliver just what you want – a slimmed-down you.
And then it’s as if a feeling deep inside just calls out to you: ‘You have been so very good. You have done so very well – you deserve a little reward. Time and again you have denied yourself; you have lost some weight, so now you can just eat normally again…’
The problem is that ‘normal’ all too often means eating in the old way, the fattening way. And before you even fully realise it, back on go the pounds. It’s back to square one.
But now you feel even worse. You did so well. You did lose weight. But now you have just thrown it all away.
Then arrive those terrible feelings of failure. The vicious cycle of disappointment, self-recrimination, perhaps even self-pity – and putting food into your mouth so that you can compensate for those uncomfortable feelings just seems to take over.
You feel so very bad. ‘I’ve had enough of this!’, you think. ‘I feel bad and at least food makes me feel better, so I’ll just eat something. Heck, I can always go back on a diet…’
You know the rest of the story: the more you eat the worse you feel and the worse you feel the more you eat.
If this rings a bell with you then maybe what’s needed is a new and different approach, one not based on denial and diets.
When we experience difficulty managing our weight and there is no real medical reason for it, then the fact is that we are eating in a futile attempt to satisfy something other than hunger.
We are eating in an attempt to satisfy feelings and emotions. And no amount of food can do that because food can really only satisfy hunger.
You see, the reason why you have been having difficulty controlling your weight is because somewhere in the past your subconscious mind has taken on the false belief that food can satisfy uncomfortable feelings. Most often, the pattern of emotional eating has been established and ‘programmed’ into your mind when you were quite young.
Now, emotions and feelings are triggered in the subconscious mind. So it stands to reason that the only really effective way to tackle emotional eating is through the subconscious mind.
And this is where advanced transformational hypnotherapy can be of real help in bringing about permanent weight loss.
Through this kind of hypnotherapy, we can go directly to the underlying reasons of why a person overeats.
Once the reasons are uncovered, effectively dealt with and neutralised, the person is free to eat as he or she was intended to eat. They are released from the compulsion to eat in response to emotional needs and difficult feelings.
They become free to eat in a natural and truly normal manner.
The emotional and compulsive reasons for overeating having been dealt with and neutralized, powerful positive hypnotic suggestions are then ‘programmed’ into the subconscious mind, enabling the person to eat smaller amounts of nourishing food and yet feel pleasantly full and entirely satisfied.
Through the intervention of Advanced Transformational Hypnotherapy, the subconscious mind becomes the individual’s biggest ally, making weight management an entirely natural and painless process.
If you have had enough of deprivation, if you are tired of the vicious cycle of on-and-off dieting and self-recrimination then why not go to the root cause and eliminate your difficulty once and for all?
With Advanced Transformational Hypnotherapy you truly are able to get the lasting weight loss results you need – without the pain of denial.
by Peter James Field