Losing Weight After Menopause – The Natural Way To Lose Weight

Losing weight at any time can be difficult and losing weight after menopause is no different. Rebellious fat will not give up its hold easily at first however, once you create the conditions whereby your body naturally and easily regulates a normal weight, the process of losing excess weight becomes much easier.

Even after menopause.

Menopause and weight loss – The truth.

Gaining weight during menopause is normal. Your body is dropping of hormone levels that have been with you for a long time and anytime your body goes through physical and biochemical change it normally seeks to prevent that change at first. Your body senses change and seeks to protect itself.

During menopause your body will begin to produce less
  •  Estrogen
  • Testosterone
  • Progesterone
  • Androgen
Other changes – mostly side effects as a result of the lowering of these hormone levels will occur. Some of these changes include water retention, slower metabolism, a softening of muscle tissue and more.

Burn menopause fat naturally.

Here’s what we know. Obesity and pre-obesity are not normal states for your body unless you have a medical condition that prevents normal weight balance.

Although there is a natural tendency to gain weight during the menopause phase of life, it is just as natural to drop that weight once you have navigated through these rough biological waters.

If you chose to live a lifestyle that is more supportive of your health and fitness you will burn fat quickly and naturally without the use of ‘diets’ and other weight loss aids. This will also minimize the discomfort of the menopause process although some women just have it worse then others.

Dieting does not help. Statistic for successfully sustaining weight loss as a result of dieting are grim at best.

It is estimated that 98% of people who lose weight as a result of dieting will gain it back within 2 years. Most people will regain that fat, and more, much faster than that.

All of us have had the this experience and the primary culprit for ‘diet’ failure is an inability to stop and prevent the phenomenon of carbohydrate addiction known commonly as food cravings.

Balance your body and balance your weight.

By resetting the blood sugar balance in your body and eliminating food cravings permanently you can lose weight quickly and naturally and keep it off for good. Even during and after menopause.

Remember living at your ideal weight is normal – being overweight is not. By making simple and subtle lifestyle changes as you get older you can optimize your health and help to prevent the onset of many ailments like heart disease, aching joints, type 2 diabetes, and much more.

3 components for better living:

1) Eat low Glycemic food. Avoid processed food as much as you can. These trigger food cravings and lead to Insulin resistance.

2) Exercise moderately. Don’t exercise to exhaustion however, your body was designed to move so move it. This is critical to your weight loss and longevity not to mention having healthier more comfortable joints as you age.

3) Take high quality nutritional supplementation. Our environment is more and more toxic as it becomes more and more convenient. The water you drink and the food you eat. Even the air you breathe and rugs beneath your feet contain so many toxins and poisons that shoring up our bodies natural defenses just makes the absolute best sense.

Menopause and other life changes are a part of living but being uncomfortable and overweight doesn’t have to be. The more you learn about how your body is responding to the food you eat the more empowered you’ll feel when making food choices for you and your family.

Take the time to learn more about how to live longer and lose weight naturally.

by Jeremy Hickling

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- Losing Weight In Menopause The Easier Way
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