Diet to Heal Leaky Gut – Foods that Cure Leaky Gut

Leaky gut syndrome occurs due to various reasons such as poor diet, toxins, certain types of medication, stress, unbalanced gut flora etc. When the digestive track is affected making the mucous layer permeable is the initial stage of this ailment. As mucous layer produces Immunoglobulin (IgA) which forms 80% of the body’s immune system, destruction of mucous layer reduces the body’s immunity to a meager 20% making it more susceptible to infections. Leaky gut syndrome gradually damages the small projections on the intestinal wall thereby destroying the sources of digestive enzymes. Thus there will be indigestion and the body will be deprived of all nutrients which will lead to deficiency diseases.

Don’t Worry ,you can heal Leaky Gut at Home
If you know to follow Diets & Home Remedies which Heal Leaky Gut you can get rid of this syndrome forever.

During further advancement of the leaky gut syndrome, wide gaps will be created on the mucous lining and as a result harmful particles such as parasites, toxins, yeasts, indigested food, bacteria etc will enter inside and join the blood stream. Consequently organs and tissues all over the body will be infected and inflamed. Any type of symptom can be the outcome – stress, headache, eczema, food intolerance, fatigue, depression, arthritis, ring worm etc.

Those who are diagnosed for leaky gut syndrome should under go treatment so as to cure it completely before it get from bad to worse.

Treatment of leaky gut syndrome

Taking anti inflammatory and anti oxidative remedies like N-acetyl cysteine and zinc along with a leaky gut diet, use of prebiotics and probiotics etc are the treatments for curing leaky gut syndrome.

Curing leaky gut in the natural way has been found very effective. A special diet to heal leaky gut is the most essential part of the treatment.

How to prepare a diet to heal leaky gut?

Your leaky gut diet should consist of the following:
  •  Fresh meat
  • Vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Fresh fruits &
  • Animal protein
You may arrive at the final ratio between the above food items in your diet by trial and error method. The final ratio will be the one which is most comfortable for you.

Since proper digestion is a must for healing the leaking gut, always eat foods that are properly cooked.

You must ensure that your diet to heal leaky gut does not contain the food items which cause the common food allergies. They includes –
  • Products made of milk and cheese
  • Soy in vegetable oils, salad dressings and Tofu
  • Refined sugar
  • Baked foods, cookies and pastries
  • Processed white table salt (use only natural sea salt)
  • Soda pop
  • Refined white flours
  • Junk foods
  • Alcohol &
  • Caffeine
  • When you are on a diet to heal leaky gut, you must observe the following
  • Chew your food thoroughly and swallow in small quantities
  • Avoid over eating
  • Take digestive enzymes
  • Ensure soluble and insoluble fiber content in your food by adding sufficient quantity of vegetables, whole grains and fruits.
  • Take best quality probiotics
  • Along with meals avoid drinking too much water, cool drinks, juice or milk. Drink half-cup water mixed with fresh lemon juice.
  • Avoid eating when you feel stress
In addition to following the diet system for healing leaky gut, you may take the other remedial measures also so as to ensure a speedy cure.

If you are a smoker, STOP SMOKING.

Tell your doctor about your leaky gut syndrome and the treatment even when you are taking treatment for some other ailments so that the drugs which will adversely affect your treatment of leaky gut may be avoided.

Moreover, those who have severe leaky gut syndrome, those who are already taking the drugs which may adversely affect the leaky gut treatment, those who regularly take refined sugar, soda pop, alcohol etc can start with a supplementary program which will enable them to get the benefit of the leaky gut treatment so as to get complete relief.

Many of those who strictly followed the diet to heal leaky gut could successfully get rid of the problem and are back to there normal activities with no further complaints. They found themselves completely relieved of the digestive disorders, pain and all other symptoms.

Get Natural Method to cure your Leaky Gut

Since Natural Remedy helps to eliminate the root cause of the Leaky Gut ailment, you will be able to regain your health completely.

by James