6 Meals A Day Diet Plan

When it comes to achieving weight loss, you see many people trying out many different things. Dieting happens to be one such thing. A lot of weight watchers end up spending a considerable amount of time and energy in devising various diet plans and meal plans for weight loss. However, there exist some who have little or no knowledge about the same, i.e. meal plans for losing weight. For the benefit of such people, I want to show them a simple 6 meals a day diet plan to help them lose weight and burn fat quickly.

First of all, there is something that you need to know. There is no magic meal plan which will help you lose weight fast, or in a jiffy. Do not get fooled by the above title. I have intentionally named it the way that I have, and only so that I can catch your attention and drive home this point. A meal plan will help you to lose weight fast only when it is supported by adequate exercise or any other form of physical activity. To know what those exercises are, here is some useful information on exercises to lose weight fast.

Here is a sample 6 Day Meal Plan

Meal 1

Omega 3 Omelette
1 Whole omega 3 egg
1/2 cup of egg whites
Baby spinach
Green peppers

Meal 2

Fish/Chicken/Lean ground turkey
Large Salad with lettuce baby spinach, cucumber, cherry tomatoes
Or steamed broccoli with 1 teaspoon of olive oil
Or green beans with 1 teaspoon of olive oil on top

Meal 3

(Whey Complex) Protein Shake (20 – 25 Grams of Protein)
1 small handful of almonds (Roughly 10)
1 Teaspoon of Nutra-Sea Fish Oils

Meal 4

Fish/Chicken/Lean ground turkey
Large Salad with lettuce baby spinach, cucumber, cherry tomatoes
Or steamed broccoli with 1 teaspoon of olive oil
Or green beans with 1 teaspoon of olive oil on top

Meal 5

Fish/Chicken/Lean ground turkey
Large Salad with lettuce baby spinach, cucumber, cherry tomatoes
Or steamed broccoli with 1 teaspoon of olive oil
Or green beans with 1 teaspoon of olive oil on top

Meal 6

(Whey Complex) Protein Shake (20 – 25 Grams Protein)
1 Tablespoon of Organic Natural Peanut Butter
(Roughly 8 grams of fat)

This was a brief overview of meal plans to lose weight. One big mistake people make when tying to lose weight is cutting the amount they eat. They skip meals, and then wonder why they aren’t losing weight. The truth is, skipping meals is one of the worst ways to lose weight. By skipping meals, you are putting your body into “starvation mode” and it will try to store as much energy as it can. Of course the way the body stores energy is as fat. By eating small meals throughout the day, you keep your metabolism high because it takes energy to break down the food. Frequent meals also help to regulate your insulin levels. Excess insulin can lead to increased fat. When selecting your fat loss eating plan, be sure it recommends four or more meals a day.

You can also read more on diet plans to lose weight fast. Find the diet that is right for you, check with your doctor, and get his or her approval before starting. Losing weight fast is the jump start many people need to begin a diet. Good luck with the one you choose!

by Sean Splackaville