Medical Weight Loss

In my practice, I have observed that there is a serious lack of knowledge about the principles of good nutrition among my patients. This is especially true among those who are overweight or obese (e.g., weight is greater than 20% above the ideal weight for their height and sex). So, one of my aims is provide you with the principles of good nutrition which, in turn, will build a foundation that allows you to analyze your daily food intake, not in terms of immediate pleasure, but in terms of maintaining an ideal body weight and enjoying the vigor and good health associated with good nutrition. In other words, losing weight is the result of correct choices, based upon accurate information, and appropriate lifestyle changes. This is opposed to a “quick fix” mentality that brings short-term results in exchange for long-term health.

Long-term success at weight management requires identifying the causes of unwanted weight gain and then adopting the dietary, behavioral and exercise habits which can correct these metabolic faults and prevent their return. Hence, a comprehensive approach to  weight   loss  requires that we not only analyze what we eat but also how we eat, when we eat, where we eat, and why we eat. Since the basic key to reducing weight is to take in less calories than we expend in energy, increased activity is essential. In fact, studies have shown that with exercise you are more likely to keep weight off once it has been lost. For most of us, accomplishing this will require a change in our lifestyle. It is precisely for this reason that I recommend The Prothin Diet Program.

The Prothin Diet Program is an integrated program that it is intended to achieve active  weight   loss  for a period of 12-14 weeks and to help patients safely lose 20 to 40 pounds during this time period. Experience has shown that there is an even greater rate of success, and a lower rate of attrition, when patients have adequate contact with and support from health care professionals during the period of  weight   loss  rather than merely a prescription for one or more diet aids. Nevertheless, We provide a comprehensive program that includes dietary guidelines, exercise recommendations, food sensitivity testing, nutritional supplements, hormonal supplementation, and, where indicated, metabolic injections (weekly IM and daily SQ).

Finally, don’t be in a hurry to get from point “A” to point “B” too quickly. Although it might be tempting to “crash diet” for that perfect body today, it is best to lose your weight slowly over time (e.g., 2-3 pounds per week). This way, your body can gradually become accustomed to the weight changes and be less likely to protect you against “starvation” by putting the weight back on plus a few extra pounds for good measure. In the end, once you’ve lost the desired weight or obtained your ideal weight, it’ll have been worth the effort. You will look better, feel stronger, be healthier, and know more about how to take care of yourself than ever before. At this point, I think you will agree with me that…LESS IS BETTER!

by Ravi Arora