How I Lost 39 Pounds And Achieved My Goal Weight

As we know losing weight is NOT easy. It takes a lot of commitment and action. I had finally reached a point in my life when I made a decision that I was going to control my weight and not let it control me!

I remember the day I stood in my local grocery store in the cookie section talking to a package of cookies... well more like yelling at them, letting them know that I had power over them. My husband and another shopper just stared at me in disbelief lol. Now these were not just any cookies, these were fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies. Ones that I absolutely loved! So I did what I had to do to unleash my inner power that motivated me to leave the store without that pack of cookies.

I had decided that day that I was going to do something about my weight once and for all. I was "sick and tired of being sick and tired." You may even know how that feels. I was sick and tired of not having enough energy. I was sick and tired of feeling stuffed in my clothes. I was sick and tired of being bullied and overpowered by food, and I made up in my mind that enough was enough!

I am going to share with you some of the things that I did in addition to yelling at that package of cookies to lose weight. This article is not meant to replace any medical advice or professional advice, it is designed to be a source of information and inspiration. And all of these tips might not work for everyone, but surely they can at least motivate you to get going, or stay on track!

Tip 1: I developed the right mindset to support my desired weight loss. I developed a way of thinking that would move me toward my weight loss goals and not away from them.

Tip 2: I used positive and empowering self-talk. I called myself the things that I wanted to be. I said it until I saw it. I stopped calling myself "fat" and I started saying "I am getting healthier and healthier everyday!" I knew that I would not excel any higher than what I believed about myself.

Tip 3: I did things that worked for me. I had to heighten my awareness as it related to who I am. I had to realize that I was not meant to do what worked for everyone else. I had to discover what worked for me and then stick to it. Doing what worked for me is one of the biggest contributors to me achieving my goal weight.

Tip 4: I made small but beneficial changes as it related to my eating habits and activities. I didn't try to do everything in one day. Every morning that I woke up I focused on doing better than I did the day before. I realized that the weight didn't show up overnight, and it wasn't going to magically disappear overnight. And no matter how small my changes were I knew that even small changes would lead to BIG results.

Tip 5: I focused on the things that I loved about myself, and took my eyes off of what I perceived to be the things I didn't like about myself.

Tip 6: If I made a mistake when it came to my eating I didn't beat myself up. When I fell, I got back up, dusted myself off and stayed on track.

Tip 7: I surrounded myself with positive, supportive and uplifting people who were a source of encouragement on my weight loss journey.

by : Dr. Shauntel Peak-Jimenez
Dr. Shauntel Peak-Jimenez is a Certified Health Coach, Certified Weight Loss Coach and a Certified Weight Management Specialist. She is also the founder of The Weight Success Institute for Women. The Weight Success Institute for Women is a holistic weight management organization for women.