Quick and Simple Ways on How to Lose Weight. It is tough to maintain the desired weight in this modern, on-the-go time that we live in. It is all too easy to choose fast food over a home cooked meal or to drive a short distance over walking. However, it is as simple as choosing the healthier alternative to get you to consume fewer calories, burn more calories, and ultimately lose weight. In addition, there are natural supplements and vitamins available to help give your body that extra boost to help you lose weight at a faster pace. You don’t have to sacrifice much of your personal time or quality of life in order to lose weight.
Here is a list of 10 quick and simple ways on how to lose weight. None of these tips should take more than 30 minutes of your day and do not involve any expensive weight loss program or meal investments. Whatever you are willing to commit and try is up to you; you know your body and capabilities best so only do what feels good to you.
1. Make a commitment to yourself. A large part of losing weight is making the mental commitment in order to stick to your weight loss goal. Write down your goal somewhere and maybe choose a timeline in which you wish to achieve your goal. Post it on your refrigerator or mirror as a constant daily reminder.
2. Share your goal with others. Peer motivation is proven to help assist people in meeting their goals. Tell some friends or family about your weight loss goal and ask them for your support. They’ll be sensitive to your dietary needs and also act as supporters by simply asking how your progress is whenever you see them. Maybe they’ll even want to join you and then you have a buddy to exercise with.
3. Keep a dietary journal. You’ll be more accountable for the food that you eat if you keep a log of everything that you eat on a daily basis. Simply carry a small notebook with you and write down the foods that you consume. You’ll be less likely to have that extra latte if you know you’ll put it on record.
4. Drink glasses of water. Staying well hydrated is known to increase metabolism and hence burn more calories. It is also necessary to keep your muscles hydrated when exercising in order to effectively build muscle.
5. Choose walking over driving whenever it makes sense. When given the opportunity to walk to the store or to run errands, choose walking over driving. That extra travel time can be seen as being put towards your exercise time. This is also the environmentally friendly alternative.
6. Eat breakfast. It is proven that having breakfast helps with metabolism throughout the day and can also control your appetite. Have some fruit, low sugar cereals, oatmeal, or yogurt. Try to skip the bacon, sausage, and pancakes.
7. Skip dessert. Sweets are delicious but they are also high in sugar and calories. Trade in that cookie for a piece of fruit or have some yogurt instead of icecream. There are healthier ways to satisfy that sweet tooth without the guilt.
8. Order salads. Next time you find yourself choosing from a menu, order the salad. They can be quite delicious as well as good for you. Avoid heavy dressing and toppings such as fried chicken. Do say yes to vegetables, nuts, fruits, and healthy protein.
9. Exercise for atleast 30 minutes a day. It’s easy to make the excuse that you don’t have time to exercise but set aside atleast 30 minutes a day for some activity. Exercise can range from sports to running to yoga. There are a variety of fun and simple ways to get your exercise time in without necessarily going to the gym.
10. Try natural supplements and vitamins. There is a great selection of supplements out there to provide weight loss support in the form of appetite suppressant, increased metabolism, or reduced fat absorption. Examples of weight loss supplements include fucoxanthin, cider vinegar, and hoodia.
by Jeff S.
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