Not everyone who tries to lose weight is successful. However, it is not because losing weight is too difficult that only very few people can be successful. People fail to lose weight because they view the process as too tedious, requiring extreme discipline or needing a lot of time. Because of these perceptions, people are discouraged at the beginning.
Those who were able to start the weight loss process get discouraged and give up if they do not see any improvement in the first days or weeks.
The main thing to remember when trying to lose weight and adopting a weight loss program is that losing weight is a journey. You start from point A going to point B. The road to your final destination will not always be smooth (just like anything in life!), there could be bumps and detours, but if you stick to a proven weight loss plan you will succeed.
You can do it!
The trick is to have the right attitude and frame of mind. Think: 'I can do this, I will push through with this, I WILL lose weight!'
Once you have conditioned yourself and adopted the right kind of thinking, consider these four really easy yet effective ways of losing weight.
1. Eat Right
Fad diets, they are all over - on the internet, in magazines, on TV.
But do they really work?
Fad diets are called fad diets because they enjoy only temporary popularity. Why is this? That's probably because people find out that they don't really work.
These diets can help an individual lose weight, but the problem is that the weight loss is only short-term, once a person loses weight and gets off the diet, the weight comes back - and often with a vengeance! People end up gaining more weight than they lost.
Side Note: Stopping eating junk food is not only good for your health, but it can save you hundreds of dollars too!
The best and really easy way to lose weight is to start eating right. You don't have to suddenly make a change from your current habit of eating fast food and junk foods to eating only healthy foods. You can do this slowly and gradually. Make small changes in your meals and in the way you eat like for example:
• If you always have a snack between meals, instead of snacking on potato chips, why don't you have some fresh fruits instead?
• Instead of 3 large meals a day, eat 5 smaller meals. This keeps your metabolism going thus the process of burning fat becomes faster.
• Eat only when you are hungry and know when you have had enough.
• Go for fresh - fresh fruits and vegetables whenever you can and minimize your consumption of canned or preserved veggies and fruits.
• Cook your own meals and brownbag your lunch instead of always eating out.
• Go natural and choose foods that are organically raised or grown as these contain far greater amounts of nutrients. Make organic eggs, products from organically grown livestock and poultry, fresh veggies and fruits, herbs and fresh fish regular staples in your daily meal plans.
• Reduce your consumption of sweets. Sugar contains empty calories that make gaining weight so easy. It also makes you prone to diseases like heart disease and osteoporosis.
Remember, do it gradually and don't shock your system. Suddenly deciding to go on a diet that cuts you off completely from the foods you're used to eating can backfire on you.
Your body will go through withdrawal-like symptoms which make the attempt to lose weight more difficult that it really is. Just go through the changes in a relaxed way and don't pressure yourself into adopting a whole new eating regimen all of a sudden.
2. Hydrate
Drink lots of water.
It really does help you lose weight and maintain a healthier weight.
It's almost like a secret weapon that so few people actually use.
Hydration is the key to a healthy body. The human body literally runs on water and minerals - it's made up of more than 70% of water! Our brain is more than 75% water, our blood is 80% water, and our liver is 96% water!
A drop of just 5% in our body's water level can already lead to a significant decrease in our energy level and our minds couldn't function well. Death can result from just 15% drop in our body's hydration!
So you see, water is really important to us in order to live and to function well. Water is very essential for maintaining proper health. It helps the body burn fat, metabolizes stored fat and flushes out excess fats and toxins.
Use water to help you lose weight easily, here are some tips:
• If you snack a lot, drink water instead of reaching for your favorite junk food or candy bar. You can also substitute no-calorie beverages with water if you want.
• *HOT TIP* Drink a glass of water before every meal. This will keep you from feeling too hungry thus you can easily watch what and how much you eat.
• Drinking lots of water before exercising can help you accomplish more because you feel more energized.
• Drink water whenever you feel hunger pangs. Sometimes, the body confuses hunger to thirst, so instead of just drinking, you end up eating when you're just really thirsty.
Aside from curbing your appetite, water is also a great way to prevent bloating and constipation. How much water should you drink daily for optimum health?
The ideal amount of water for you is half of your body weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, the ideal amount of water you should drink everyday is 75 ounces.
Read Also :
- Healthy Quick Weight Loss Meal
- Healthy Weight Loss Meal Plan ( video )
Read Also :
- Healthy Quick Weight Loss Meal
- Healthy Weight Loss Meal Plan ( video )