Despite the many fad diets and the promise of some companies to provide pills that make weight loss effortless, these are not healthy and effective means of weight loss . Medications and dietary supplements, when administered by a medical professional, can certainly help increase your chances of losing weight and keeping it off, but they are only part of the equation. To successfully lose weight requires a commitment to a healthier diet (long term, not crash dieting) and to regular exercise.
The decision to become more active and to exercise is crucial, not just to the success of your attempt at weight loss , but also for your long-term health and wellbeing. The best course to achieve the maximum benefit from your weight loss efforts is to create a routine that incorporates both moderate weight training and aerobic exercise.
What is Aerobic Exercise?
Aerobic exercises are physical activities that work to increase the rates of your heart and respiration. When your heart and lungs are working more actively it promotes greater oxygen flow through your body. It also strengthens your heart and lung function.
As a result of it your energy levels will improve dramatically and you will have more stamina to do more. In fact, just engaging in aerobic exercise for 20 to 30 minutes just 3 or 4 days each week can have a remarkable effect. You will find you lose weight more quickly and that you feel more energetic.
As you get used to aerobic activity you can increase both the duration and the frequency. In fact, many people find that they really do want to exercise more when they begin to see the benefits. Aerobic exercise encompasses a lot of activities such as hiking, jogging, running and even dancing or swimming. Such activities can easily become an enjoyable part of a healthier and more active lifestyle.
Proper Aerobic Exercise
As with any activity, there is a right way and a wrong way to approach aerobic exercise. It may be tempting to go overboard and really push yourself because you want to see result immediately. However, pushing too hard and too far beyond your limits can lead to injury.
It is important to never just jump right into vigorous aerobic exercise. You should always begin by stretching your muscles, doing some light warm ups and slowly easing into your higher impact activity. This gets your body ready for activity. Failing to warm up can easily lead to muscle strain and even worse injury.
After completing the high-impact aerobic exercise it is also important to do some cool-down activities. Gradually slow your activity and let your body come down gradually. Close out with a few more stretches. The cool-down process also significantly reduces your chances of injury.
Just as with medications, dietary supplements and diet changes, aerobic exercise is only one piece of the overall plan to effective weight loss . By incorporating aerobic exercise into your routine, along with some moderate weight training exercise you will find that you lose weight much more quickly. Not only that, but you’ll find it much easier to keep that weight off.
by Richard Bragg, M.D.
The decision to become more active and to exercise is crucial, not just to the success of your attempt at weight loss , but also for your long-term health and wellbeing. The best course to achieve the maximum benefit from your weight loss efforts is to create a routine that incorporates both moderate weight training and aerobic exercise.
What is Aerobic Exercise?
Aerobic exercises are physical activities that work to increase the rates of your heart and respiration. When your heart and lungs are working more actively it promotes greater oxygen flow through your body. It also strengthens your heart and lung function.
As a result of it your energy levels will improve dramatically and you will have more stamina to do more. In fact, just engaging in aerobic exercise for 20 to 30 minutes just 3 or 4 days each week can have a remarkable effect. You will find you lose weight more quickly and that you feel more energetic.
As you get used to aerobic activity you can increase both the duration and the frequency. In fact, many people find that they really do want to exercise more when they begin to see the benefits. Aerobic exercise encompasses a lot of activities such as hiking, jogging, running and even dancing or swimming. Such activities can easily become an enjoyable part of a healthier and more active lifestyle.
Proper Aerobic Exercise
As with any activity, there is a right way and a wrong way to approach aerobic exercise. It may be tempting to go overboard and really push yourself because you want to see result immediately. However, pushing too hard and too far beyond your limits can lead to injury.
It is important to never just jump right into vigorous aerobic exercise. You should always begin by stretching your muscles, doing some light warm ups and slowly easing into your higher impact activity. This gets your body ready for activity. Failing to warm up can easily lead to muscle strain and even worse injury.
After completing the high-impact aerobic exercise it is also important to do some cool-down activities. Gradually slow your activity and let your body come down gradually. Close out with a few more stretches. The cool-down process also significantly reduces your chances of injury.
Just as with medications, dietary supplements and diet changes, aerobic exercise is only one piece of the overall plan to effective weight loss . By incorporating aerobic exercise into your routine, along with some moderate weight training exercise you will find that you lose weight much more quickly. Not only that, but you’ll find it much easier to keep that weight off.
by Richard Bragg, M.D.