Dieting has been a debatable issue for long. While many consider it as a quick fix if you are looking to shed some serious weight and get in shape as quickly as possible, others tend to be quite cynical about the routine. This is because diets are often associated with short-term results. Dieters complain that the pounds creep in as soon as you step off the diet restrictions. To add, many experience side effects due to drastic changes in their diet habits.
It is true, but not for all diet programs. And besides, if you take the right precautions before and after dieting you can sustain your results and keep the ugly consequences at bay. This short article discusses the dos and don'ts of dieting.
1. Cut calories slowly -
Dieting, for many, means cutting calories drastically. Going from 10 to 1 in a matter of a day will only have adverse effects on the body, sending it into starvation mode. Don't get lured by fad and crash diets. Instead look for meal plans that cut calories a meal at a time, giving your body a chance to get accustomed to the calorie deficit.
2. Drink a lot of water -
Since your calorie intake will be less, it is natural for the body to feel tired. Hence, it is advised that you drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated. Water also fills you up making you eat less at the following meal.
3. Inclusive of exercise -
Losing weight is not only about the number of calories you eat, but also about the amount you expend. Hence, the best and healthiest diet programs are those that combine food with exercise. Exercise in addition to promoting general health also helps you maintain weight loss in the long run.
4. Nutritional requirements -
Never opt for diet plans that eliminate particular food groups. The body needs nutrients in stipulated amounts to carry on the daily functions. By depriving it of these nutrients, you disturb the balance. That is what results in illnesses and side effects.
Settle for a diet plan that includes food items from all the major food groups; it could be in controlled amounts, but they should be there. Also, don't opt for diet programs that include foods that are not palatable. You will give it up no sooner than you have started. A small indulgence once a while makes the diet program more manageable.
5. Flexibility -
No diet plan is a one-size fits all. It should be customizable according to the nutritional demands, caloric requirement and health concerns of the individual opting for it. If you are unable to decide or you suffer from a specific health condition (allergies, heart disease or diabetes), it makes more sense to speak to a healthcare provider about managing your weight safely.
To wrap up, the diet program you choose is of equal importance. It should be designed by a registered nutrition, who understands the requirements of the body and the effects of the diet program on the individual.