The World Of Weight Loss Programs

Obesity is a serious health problem that affects millions of people. Researchers have found that people who are over their ideal body  weight  are more likely to suffer from heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and numerous other health conditions. Fortunately, there are a number of  weight   loss   programs  available to help people safely reach their goal  weight . Below are three of the different types of  weight   loss   programs :

Do it yourself  program

Do it yourself  weight   loss   programs  are very popular because they are relatively inexpensive. A DIY  program  is where a person comes up with his own diet  program  based on the information that he finds on the internet, magazine, books and other resources. People who follow DIY  programs  often form support groups, which can help motivate others to lose  weight . These type of  weight   loss   programs  can be effective. However, most people will get better results if they work with a professional who is knowledgeable in the areas of nutrition and exercise.

Non-clinical  programs

Non clinical  weight  reduction  programs  are where counselors work together to help a person lose  weight . It is important to note that these counselors may or may not have training in the areas of diet and exercise. These type of  programs  may also use pamphlets and books that are prepared by health care professionals. Non-clinical  programs  may also require that people take supplements along with their diet and exercise regime. Jenny Craig is an example of a non-clinical  program .

Clinical  programs

Patients are supervised by a licensed health care provider during a clinical  weight   loss   program . Three examples of clinical  weight   loss   programs  include: very low -calorie diets,  weight   loss  drugs and surgery. Very low-calorie diets have to be followed under the supervision of a health care provider because they can cause serious side effects. A person who is on a low-calorie diet usually consumes less than 800 calories per day.

A health care provider may also recommend that a person take  weight   loss  drugs. There are a number of drugs on the market that can help burn fat and speed up the metabolism. These type of drugs can only be prescribed by a licensed health care provider and are not approved for long-term use.

Surgery is a last resort. A physician will usually not elect to perform surgery unless all other attempts to lose  weight  have failed. Liposuction and gastric bypass are two examples of  weight  reduction surgery.

Gaining  weight  is easy, but losing it is a lot more difficult. Starting a  weight  reduction  program  can help a person shed those extra pounds. A do it yourself  weight   loss   program  may be the right choice for a person who only has a couple of pounds to lose. Those who need additional help losing  weight  may chose to join a non-clinical  program . People who are severely overweight and have health problems will usually have to join a clinical  program . A health care provider can help a person choose the  program  that is right for him.

by Cookie Maxwell