If you want to get in shape fast and stay in shape longer than a month then you have to stop wasting your time with diets. A diet is a temporary restriction in calories. And you can´t get permanent results with temporary solutions. No matter how out of shape you are, you can always make progress. The faster you want to get in shape and better you want to look, the harder you have to push yourself.
Summer is not far away anymore and people are looking at themselves in the mirror thinking, “how to get rid of those extra pounds?” So many people go to the beach and they are embarrassed to even take thier shirt off. But that can all change now. You still have a few months until summer arrives and it is time to take action NOW.
Needless to stay nutrion is the key to losing extra pounds. If you are not eating the way your suppose to, then you can spend hours in the gym every single day and still not make any progress. Eating 5-6 smaller meals is very important because it speeds up your metabolism. Eating only 2-3 meals a day is not good. It is also very important to stick with the fundamentals. Most people burn fat effectively with a “baseline diet” that is 50-55% carbs, 30% protein, and 15-20% fat. You can make small adjustment but nothing extreme.
To lose fat you need a calorie deficit. So you need to burn more calories than you consume. If you are not counting calories already then you should start doing it. It is always better to burn more calories with exercise than with diets. If you want to know how many calories you have to eat to burn fat then click the link below!
Aerobic training
So many people are so confused about aerobic training. Should it be low intensity long duration or high intensity short duration. But it really doesn´t matter what kind of a workout you are doing. What matters is how many calories you burn. Calories in versus calories out. But your workouts have to be at least 25-30 minutes long because then your body starts to use fat for fuel, insead of sugar. For example 30 minutes 3-4 days a week is a good start.
Weight training
Another very important part of burning fat is muscle. The more muscle mass you have the more calories you burn. If you do not include weight training to your workouts then you will also lose muscle. It is very important to lose only fat not muscle.
by Rando Meresmaa