RVL acai berry weight loss program is MonaVie’s silver bullet intended to pierce the heart of the 60 billion dollar weight loss market. Even while Americans are experiencing record breaking unemployment and record high food stamp applications we continue to get fatter and fatter. Americans of significant means have been more traditionally apt to stay trim and make attempts to stay in shape than people who struggle and live paycheck to paycheck. But current trends show that even the wealthier people are beginning to tip the scales at an alarming rate. MonaVie hopes to begin to reverse those trends in the pre launch and subsequent launch of this revolutionary new plan which uses its proprietary blend of freeze dried ingredients including but not limited to green tea extract, heretofore “forgotten” fruits and the now infamous acai berry.
MonaVie’s Scientific Advisory Board is spearheaded by Dr. Bernie Landes, President of the board who has worked in the diet and nutrition industry for over 30 years. He contends that the level of our overweight citizenry in America hovers around 30 to 35%. He also states that in the last 25 years, the obesity and extreme obesity levels have at least tripled in the U.S. He indicates that this illustrates that over 50% of our total populace is now overweight, obese or extremely obese. This trend is both alarming and frightening and has overtones suggesting overwhelming and excessive costs to the U.S. healthcare system. MonaVie intends to be a force for change in this depressing trend with the RVL acai berry weight loss program.
According to Landes, the typical modern American diet consists of basically 15 different foods. One of these “foods” is actually water; water consumed mostly as an ingredient of sodas and diet sodas devoid of any significant nutritional value. The other 14 foods are comprised of highly processed refined sugar, refined white flour and chemically altered fats which not only offer little to no nutritional value per calorie consumed but that can be hazardous to humans over extended periods of consumption.
Landes also brazenly goes on to claim that one would have to consume at least 5,000 calories daily to match the nutrient density found in RVL with the nutrient-void processed food typical of consumption today. Foods laden with chemicals, refined flours, sugars and manufactured trans-fats are sickening, poisoning and slowly killing our adults and children. On top of this, this type of big business food will put a greater burden on our healthcare system than we can imagine.
One positive note shows that testing on MonaVie RVL shows it to be glycemic neutral which will come as a relief to diabetic or pre-diabetic potential consumers and will not place additional burdens on healthcare. Perhaps the most critically important part of the regimen is to begin a doctor-approved exercise program along with the MonaVie RVL acai berry weight loss plan for overall health and healthcare burden reduction.
by Joseph Sandy
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