What are some smart tips on how to lose fat? It can really be such a bummer when you're yo-yoing on your weight loss. Fifty percent of women who has lost weight reported to have gained back the pounds they shed in 6 months. However, there's hope because experts have garnered some smart and proven tips about losing fat and keeping it off. Know the real score about how to lose fat:
1. Exercise to produce fat that burns fat- Different kinds of food contain different kinds of fat. It's the same thing with your body. The bad kind of fat that you want to zap is white fat, but there's a good kind of fat that torches the calories. It's the brown fat in your body. Exercise is one of the best ways to produce brown fat that melts the white fat in your body. When you get physically active, your body produces the hormone irisin which converts white fat to brown fat.
2. Take Vitamin D supplements- Research has suggested that taking more Vitamin D from supplements boosts the effectiveness of the hormone leptin. Leptin is the hormone that sends signals to the brain that you're full. The recommended dose of Vitamin D for weight loss according to experts is 1,000 international units every day.
3. Hold your ground to say "no"- Women gain more weight than men because women were trained to be "nicer". That is, they have more people-pleasing tendencies. They easily give in when pressured to eat that tiramisu after dinner. So when urged to pig out at your bestie's bash, politely but firmly say "no". Your well-meaning pals will dig it!
4. No, you don't have the license to splurge after dieting- That self-indulgent tendency to eat the yummy calorie-loaded food after sticking to a low-cal diet is called "licensing". It's the license that you have to revoke. Whenever you feel the compulsion to splurge after dieting, tell yourself to stop. Focus on your goal to wear that skimpy bikini for summer. Being aware is the first step to keeping your healthy-eating plan.
5. Chew your food more- Chewing faster makes you eat more bites. Try chewing each bite of your food 40 times. It boosts the production of peptide hormones that suppresses appetite. On the other hand, chewing your food more times causes less production of the hormone grehlin that produces more appetite.
6. Outsmart your food cravings- We can't resist rich foods- our bodies are wired to do that. Keep your appetite in check by avoiding fat and delish foods that make you gain weight. Whenever you're surrounded by mouth-watering choices, tell yourself that you're choosing the health benefits of avoiding those foods, such as a trimmer waistline or a healthier heart. It'll strengthen the part of your brain that makes you resist temptations and weakens the part that makes you give in to unhealthy pleasures.
7. Take a stroll outside- Research has reported that countries with more natural amenities have lesser obesity rates. If the view outside your window is a body of water, hills, a park or the street, you're less likely to have weight problems. There's something that makes you comfortable being outside. There's a healing factor to it, experts say. Go for a 15-minute stroll outside even if you're a chocolate eater. It'll curb your appetite for sweets. If your neighborhood isn't made for exercising, find a nearby park and work out outdoors.
These fun facts and smart tips about how to lose fat and keep it off can pave the way for a better-looking and happier you!
Read this guide about fast and healthy fat loss! Download The Xtreme Fat Loss Diet to ensure that what you're eating really makes a difference in your body and your health. Experience fast weight loss by reading this guide about nutritional values and using exercises that work.