5 Amazing New Scientific Fat Loss Secrets

Exercise science and research has been advancing by leaps and bounds in recent years’, and has confirmed some key fat loss secrets. And that’s great news for those of us who want to reduce the amount of time we spend exercising, and lose weight faster.

So now it’s possible to cut your exercise time in half and achieve far greater and faster weight loss results. You can now lose weight faster, reduce that hard to lose belly fat, and get the slim fit body you’ve always wanted in the shortest time possible.

Fact: The fat loss workouts you read about 10 years ago are based on out-of-date exercise science. You just don’t have to spend an hour, or more, in the gym everyday doing strength training for different “body parts”, and then following that up with a 45 minutes to an hour of slow boring cardio. It’s a waste of time, and they don’t work as well as 3 short 20-30 minute more intense exercise sessions.

Fact: Shorter more intense exercise sessions allow you start losing more fat, while building and maintaining lean muscle. And science has confirmed that every added pound of lean muscle burns an additional 35-50 calories per day. So an additional 10 pounds of lean muscle would burn 500 more calories per day. This would enable you to burn more body fat all day long, even while you’re sleeping.

Fact: Fat loss programs that require 45-60 minutes of long, slow, boring cardio exercises will rarely help you achieve your fat loss goals and can in fact lead to over use injuries. A recent research study done in Australia showed that only interval training helped subjects burn belly fat during a 15-week fat loss study. Plus, the interval training group trained for only half the time of the slow, boring cardio group.

Fact: Traditional fat burning exercise programs typically don’t even mention strength training workouts in their instructions because most trainers and clients don’t understand how strength training will help fat loss. However, if you want to maximize your metabolism, lose that stubborn belly fat, get defined arms, and a flat lean stomach you must include strength training in your fat loss workout exercises.

Fact: More advanced, modern fat burning and strength training methods, will help you burn more calories and more belly fat in and out of the gym. With combined short strength training and interval cardio exercises, you will skyrocket your post-workout metabolism allowing you to burn more belly fat, and excess body fat, quickly become leaner, healthier, and fitter than you ever felt possible.

The scientific research simply does not lie, and these are the bottom line facts. By changing your current exercise routine to include strength training and short intense cardio sessions, you can accomplish more than twice as much in half the time. And you can also increase your body’s metabolism so you are burning more calories throughout the day, even when your sleeping.

So I would suggest that you follow the above guidelines to revise you exercise program, and start achieving outstanding fat loss, fitness, and health benefits in the shortest time possible.

by Larry Kann

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